Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sammy's is a little burger and milkshake place at 27 North and 100 West in Provo. They have a few places that you can check them out online the first is on Facebook, another is on Blogspot, and the last one is on Twitter.

When i went there, i was not expecting much of anything. I was so surprised. It is just a little shack in downtown Provo, but when you go inside you feel somewhere else. As you walk in there are bar stools that are right up against the counter where they have the condiments for your burger. I think it gives the feel of a hometown diner, which in a place like this I like.

There is only one down side that i can see. When you order, store policy is that you order at the register which is located at the front right next to the door. I went during the mid-day lull so it wasn't too bad, however if you go during either the lunch rush or dinner rush, it could be problematic.

After you order what you want to eat, you just sit down wherever and wait for the food to be made. When your burger is done, they bring it out on a plate and ask you what you want on it. They do have some variety but not as much as i would like. I got the 'Over the Border Burger' which was amazing. Almost all the condiments were on it including avocado which at some places you have to pay extra for.

Eating the burger is i think the best part of it. :) But what threw me off was how much it filled me up. I went there kinda hungry and i left there stuffed. All i had was a soda and the burger. I was looking for something lite to eat to hold me over till dinner, but what i got was my dinner. That is one surprise i can deal with.

Another plus is that on the wall they have 'Text Sammys to ##### to receive a discount' IN THE STORE! I just got a new Verizon phone and so i texted it. I received a free soda, and free refiles. Needles to say, i was surprised.

Two other things that i liked. I was talking with the employees and they were telling me about some of the free stuff that went on there. I believe either every Friday or Saturday there are free concerts in the parking lot beside sammys. They talked with me and told me about them and invited me to go. I am hoping my schedule will permit me to attend the concerts.

The other thing is the music they had playing. The play list was great. It had a lot of popular songs but also I believe there was nothing that is questionable that was played. The music play list was well done so that everyone could enjoy it. That is a huge plus.


I highly recommend going to Sammys, not just for the food though. I think that it is a great place to hang out with some friends any time of the day. The food is great, the service is great, and the price is great. I will be attending Sammy's often.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Linkin Park - New Divide

Blog number 2, Here we go

Today i have decided to focus on the song New Divide by Linkin Park. It was released on the Transformers 2 sound track in 2009. I consider it to be medium rock/ punk genera. The lyrics can be found at and a sample version of the song can be found at

I think there are two ways to view this song. The first is one person singing the song, the other is two people having a discussion.

The lyrics to this song are very well put together both in the musical sense and in a writing sense. As i was reading over the lyrics it felt to me like it was more of a poem than just a song. In the first verse, he is remembering a lot of things, black skies, lightning, time beginning to blur and so on. "Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me And your voice was all i heard that i get what i deserve" to me this indicates that he has done either some or a lot of stuff in the past that was not appropriate or not approved of. "So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide" He is talking to someone who know of the wrong that he has done. I don't think either of them understand fully what he has done, hence the "prove me wrong" but also he is starting the understanding of what has happened. He understands that he has some work to do to get back in line with the world, he is wanting to "fill this hole, (and) connect the space between" but the question is between him and who? Is it one person that he has wronged or is it a community or the world? And also how big is the hole? How much work does he need to do to to connect back them?

"There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned" I am taking this to be memories of him and one other person. Because if something happens to a lot of people at least one person will remember and not forget. But if it happens to only two people, one might remember but one will want to forget it. As he is looking, he sees that the memories of of him are being abandoned by someone else, he is being forgotten. "There was nowhere to hide, the ashes felt like snow" Not only are the memories being forgotten, they are being burned. Burned out of their mind as if they want nothing to do with him. With the ashes feeling like snow, he is seeing the memories being burned, and he feels so cold and alone. With out those memories he feels abandoned, alone and forgotten. "And the ground caved in between where we were standing And your voice was all i heard that i get what i deserve" This shows that he was with a singular person because of the memories. Because of what he did and they do not agree with what he did there is a gap between him and them. It also says to me that they talked about it because "your voice was all i heard that i get what i deserve" They are ready to break off the relationship what ever it is because they knew that something like this would happen and they were almost expecting it. Although they did warn him because he got what he deserved.

After the chores there is an amazing musical break by Mr. Hahn. AMAZING!!!!

"In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake to great to hide" They (whoever they are) are telling him what they think about what he has done to them. He had made mistakes that are so big that no one can hide them. He acknowledged them and that it was coming to him and they still tell him their opinion. What is interesting to me is that i think they want to be back with him. I think that mainly because they want to "wash this memory clean" Maybe they know its wrong but they still like the person and are willing to look over what he has done but only after he has made restitution to whoever he wronged. "Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies across this new divide." They know that there is truth that he is talking about however there is a divide between him and them. That divide is going to have to have a lot of work done on it until they can be with him again.


I love this song. It is a fun song to listen to and to rock out to. It also has a good meaning behind it. Also some of Linkin Park's songs do have screaming or what is called 'screamo' but this one doesn't. It is one of those songs that i think can be tolerated by all and enjoyed by most. I highly recommend listening to this song and others of Linkin Park.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

As this is my very first blog, i wish to tell you all that i am new to this and this might be decent for my first time.

I am starting this session with a song titled You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. You can listen to a preview at and the lyrics you can read at

There are three people in this song, there is her, a guy lets call him Joe, and Joe's girlfriend, we will call her Sara. It starts out with Taylor singing about how Sara doesn't get or understand anything that Joe talks about, and how Taylor does. She is then talking about the differences between her and Sara how she is just an average girl, and how Sara is the "perfect" girl and she does everything right.

Eventually, Taylor and Joe are walking together and she is enjoying the time they spend together. I am assuming that when she is talking about him and his smile and how its easy she is keeping to herself. "You say you're fine I know you better than that, Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that" is i think the most interesting line in the entire song, and i will explain later.

She eventually goes into how he has come to her with her problems but she still hasn't told him how she feels. Later on he is confiding with her some of his secrets which shows trust, and she is still hesitating to tell him how she feels.

Now that we have the summary down, i can start picking it apart.

First he has a girlfriend, which is the first line in the song. I think that this means that he is settled in his life, he is looking for something more than just the everyday monotony. he has seemed to have found it, but its not complete. "she's going off about something that you said" tells me that she is either up tight, stressed, or just having a bad day. Tuesday night was a very interesting pick. Obviously Mondays suck because you just go back to work or school from a weekend, but Tuesday i consider to be the worst day of the week because that is when you have all the homework to do or you have a full 3 days ahead of you till the weekend again. I also think its puts in the start of the monotony that is there through the whole song.

As she starts to talk about the differences between her and Sara, its interesting that she says everything that a "normal guy" would want, short skirts, cheer captain, but then she talks about her and her t-shirts and being on the bleachers, so i assume that Joe is a sports star at their school. She also thinks that what he is looking for he will finally find in her in some magical way. She tells about how she has always been there for him and how she is everything he would want or need which i do not believe in. True, there may be times when i just need to talk with a specific person, or hold on to one person but i believe that you need to find your own happiness in your own way.

The second verse starts out with Taylor and Joe walking together. There is a big question mark over my head about that. Its that he has a girlfriend and he is alone with another girl. true, i have done that.... but i always had the question of is this the right thing to do. The song doesn't give any hints if he likes being with her or if he has those questions. So i am wondering how firm of a relationship does Joe and Sara have? He says he is fine, which in my mind means Freaked-out Insecure Neurotic and Emotional, and yes i have felt all of those at the same time. not too happy. He is a very happy guy most of the time until he is going out with Sara because of the smile and how Taylor hasn't seen it in a while. She knows him, she has known him for a long time and they are just good friends.

"I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night, i am the only one that makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry, and i know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams" He has so much trust in her, there are only three people that i tell EVERYTHING to and she is one of his "three". but the next line is "Think i know where you belong think i know its with me" which is so weird to think about. Another human being is telling you where they think that you should be.

This is the biggest down fall of this song in my mind, because no one can tell you what is best for you, no one can tell you where you should go or what you should do. Only you can decide what is best for you. Other people can tell you what their opinion is but only you can make that decision of what to do with your life. You have control of what you do, weather for good or for evil you can make that decision with out having anyone tell you what to do.

I enjoy this song for a good listen and to think about stuff with it. I do disagree with the message behind it because you are the only one who can make decisions for you. You have to want to have that relationship, or that house, or your family. No one can make those decisions for you.